Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Top 5 Favorite Superhero Movies

We all love comic books, don't we? Whether it be the old Disney comics, Marvel, or DC, we all had a favorite comic book character at some point in time. Even if it was Aquaman and everyone laughed at you for it. Recently, there's been a surge of superhero movies, which have brought some attention to the comic book industry, and of course, lots and lots of kids' toys. So I've decided to make a list of my top 5 favorite superhero movies. A couple of rules: I'm only going to list the movies that I've seen, so you won't see Iron Man 2 or Thor on here. Also, keep in mind that these aren't the movies that I think that are the best of the bunch, they're simply my favorites; there's a difference. Also, this list will not be restricted to live-action movies. With that out of the way, let's start at #5!

#5: Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker (The Uncut Version)

Say what you will about Batman Beyond, but this movie is friggin' awesome. The animation is great, the action is great, the story is amazing. Not only do we get a sort of continuation from the original Batman Animated Series, but we finally get to learn what happened to the Joker, as well as the rest of the orignal Bat family. The story is really kind of depressing at times, not to mention gory. That might not seem like much today, but this was before the time of The Dark Knight Returns and other such animated movies. A large chunk of the movie was either cut or edited to make the movie less violent and bring down the rating to a PG. I guess there's nothing really wrong with that, since the Batman Beyond series was less violent than this movie, but I still prefer the Uncut Version. What more can I say? It's the psychopathic clown we all know and love, back again for another laugh.

#4: The Avengers (2012)

And I can hear the boos already. "Why is this on #4?! This is the greatest movie of all time!" Well, here's the thing. I didn't actually see this movie until about a month ago. I wanted to see The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises. I loved both of those movies. So naturally, since this one was going to be the greatest movie of the year, I was hyped. And...yeah, it's pretty good. It has a great mix of action, humor, and character development. But really, guys, let's be honest. It was short. Pretty much the only real action scene is at the last part, and while it was awesome and I loved it, when it ended I was thinking "That's it?" I was thinking that action scene was going to be in the middle of the movie, and that there would be a mix between character development and action throughout the rest of the movie. Is it because I haven't seen that many of the other movies, like Captain America and Iron Man 2? By the way, let's be honest, this movie is basically Iron Man 3: Butting Heads. An awesome movie? Heck yeah. The be superhero movie? Eh.... Now, if the next movie has Andrew Garfield and Hugh Jackman, that would be the best movie of the decade.
#3: The Dark Knight

 Aw, heck yeah! What can I say about this movie that hasn't been said before? Nothing, that's what! The action is amazing, the city looks great, the music is on my iPod, and Heath Ledger is a BOSS! Add a touch of philosophy, and you have arguably the greatest Batman movie of all time.

#2: The Dark Knight Rises

A lot of you are probably wondering why I put TDKR about TDK. That's a good question. After all, TDK is probably the best of the DK series. Well, I did have a hard time deciding between the two, and this is actually the main reason this is a list of my favorite superhero movies as opposed to the ones I think are the best. If I could, I'd put both batman movies at #2, but I can't. Think of this as 2B, I guess. Anyway, the real think that made if for is that there is non-stop action pretty much through all the movie. Also, BANE! No one thought someone could reach Ledger's level, but if Bane didn't, he sure as heck came close. I admit, it could be because this is actually the first DK movie I saw (I saw the series backwards), and the only one I saw on the big screen. The movie just felt huge, especially as it neared the end. I know it gets a lot of flack for its "flaws", but really, I found that most to all of them could be explained in the movie. I like to say that the level of epic a movie has can be represented by how many quotes you can think of. The DK series has a lot, and this movie is no exception.
#1: The Amazing Spider-Man
Wait, wait, don't kill me yet, I can explain. You see, this is probably the fourth best movie on this list, but it is in fact my favorite. Why? Simple: My Inner Fanboy. Spider-Man has been my favorite super hero from when I first could read. When the Avengers came out, I thought, "Eh." When TDKR appeared in theaters, I said, "Oh, that looks kind of interesting." When The Amazing Spider-Man was announced, I calmly took off all of my clothes, pained myself red and blue, and ran through the streets with fake web-shooters. ...OK, maybe not, but that was about how hyped I was. We all know how campy the previous Spider-Man series was, and this movie really showed us a great direction for the character. It's not as hugely epic as the Dark Knight Rises, it's not as well-written as The Avengers, and it's not as psychologically challenging as The Dark Knight, but by Stan Lee, it's freaking Spider-Man, and a freaking awesome movie to boot. Does it have its flaws? Yeah, the pacing is kind of rushed at times. But you know what? If I have to put up with that to avoid another Emo Peter Parker, this movie stays at the top of the list.